TSX-V: MKO Last: 4.02 Change: -0.08
OTCQX: MAKOF Last: 2.82 Change: -0.03

Advanced Exploration

San Albino Near Mine

Key Facts

Location San Albino-Murra Concession
Size of Target Area / Area Drilled 1.3 km2 / 0.2 km2
Aprox. Distance from Processing Plant 100-500 m from San Albino mill
Targeted Mining Method TBD
Targeted Metal Au, Ag
Targeted zones 1) South-West pit - Mid Stage Exploration
2) San Albino Pit Extension - Mid Stage Exploration
3) Arras Extension - Early Stage Exploration
4) San Albino North - Early Stage Exploration
Deposit Type Orogenic – High grade Au, shallow dipping 1-2m wide stacked veins 
Ownership 100%


Four target areas have been identified within 500 m of the current San Albino Pit. All of these areas have nearly identical geology to the San Albino deposit which is currently in production.

Near-mine exploration targets include the San Albino pit Extension, Southwest Pit and Arras Extension targets as well as the San Albino North target.

The South West pit area is currently the highest priority since it is located within the curretly permitted pit and given sucess in delineating resources, it can be brought into production quickly.


Approximately 20,000 of drilling is planned for 2022 with the objective of defining gold resources near the previously identified veins and to discover additional shallow, high grade gold veins. 

In 2022, Mako plans to complete environmental, metallurgical and engineering studies, and to initiate the mine permitting process for Las Conchitas.


Initial drilling in 2011 identified several high grade gold veins, however most of the exploration during 2012  to 2021 consisted of low cost trenching and soil sampling since most of the exploration funding was dedicated to defining resources at San Albino. During this period, a number of drill targets were identified for follow-up drilling.. Late in 2021, drilling was initiated in the area. To date, the Company has completed 959 m of trenching, 2,005 m of diamond drilling.

On June 9 2022, Mako announced the discovery of two new veins - Mina Francisco and Tirado- at the San Pablo zone within Las Conchitas North. Mina Francisco has been traced over 200 metres of strike and for 330 metres down-dip, starting at surface.

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